Wednesday, October 1, 2003

Clark, Dean Urge Rush Limbaugh's Firing

I wasn't going to comment on this at all but after seeing the above headline, I just couldn't resist. Talk about some old-school, pandering bullshit!

First of all, I saw Limbaugh's comment live and in context and felt there was absolutely nothing racist about it, then or now. The guy's a victim of his reputation on this one - he's not Jimmy the Greek, not Sid Rosenberg, not even Howard Cosell (Remember "Look at that little monkey go?"). He simply contrasted the reality of McNabb's career-to-date (stellar at times, average to horrid many others) against the media's perception of him.

McNabb's arguably the third best black quarterback, behind McNair and Culpepper (fourth, if you believe Vick is the real deal), and yet he's the one the media dotes on the most, assigning him much of the credit for the Eagles' success over the past few years. Interestingly, no one's seen fit to point out how spectacularly well the Eagles played last year with their 2nd & 3rd-string quarterbacks, WHITE quarterbacks, while McNabb was injured. Never mind that pretty good defense they had, ranked 5th in the league!

That's all debatable and beside the point, though.

What really pisses me off is Dean and Clark's cynical opportunism, using this non-event to spout off, presumably showing how concerned and committed they are issues, I guess? Come on now! I guess when you have no actual record to stand on, you grasp at whatever straws you can and spew trite rhetoric.

If either of these posers gets the Democratic nomination - or god forbid, end up running together! - it just might officially push me over the edge and into a third party. Some extreme shit, too, like the Socialist Workers Party.

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